Written by xStarxStruckx
Hiya: sorry I haven't written for a long while: school's back and I'm ill. Buuut, I'm a part of a competition, and I knew I had to do something for it: An Inspirational Star. I'll talk more about the club the competition's in- in the future, but for now: here's my inspirational star choice: Demi Lovato. I've copied one of her outfits and make-up looks, and cos' I'm cool like that, I'll let you join in! Take a look at the star's fashion choice:
Sorry for the slightly bad quality. Anyways, my take on it is below. For some reason it won't let me put the picture just here, but oh well: I'll just talk about it here. Ok, so honestly, I love Demi's outfit, but really..? Stardoll: you've lost half the gorgeous boots you had: I'd have used the ones I'm wearing in my suite, from the Shake It Up Store, as well as the tights I think I got free from something.. Plus, the tights (Which are actually just leggings) are too bold, and the shirt is just too oversized. The sunglasses on stardoll just never work, the boots- however much I love them- have heels and are the wrong colour, the bag is wrong but alright, the scarf I've used just doesn't work and the skirt was the only thing I could use- even though I'm sure Demi's wearing shorts... Enough complaining: I did try and if you could do better, feel absolutely free to share it with me, cos' I'd honestly LOVE to see your creations :) If you somehow like the outfit, here's what you'll need. P.s. I actually like the top, just not in this particular outfit. Alright, so here's what you need from the starplaza to create Demi's amazing look: I'll show you
make-up a little later on. Ok, so layer-wise, you'll first need to put on the Fishnet Leggings from Fallen Angel- they'll only cost you 50 starcoins! Ok, next put on the Wave Skirt from Bizou- but you'll need to put it on quite low to make it visible under the top- don't worry about not covering up the waist, just make sure it's in line with the legs and you don't have an awkward patch of leg showing. But please only make sure you have a little bit showing, like the pic on the right: otherwise it looks odd, plus, it's not that obvious on Demi, either. It's only 7 stardollars, but sadly only for SuperStars... Ok next, while you're still in Bizou, pick up the Oversized Chambray Shirt for 15 stardollars, which annoys me, cos' I'd like to buy this.. Put that on normally. Next, take a trip to Stardoll Girls for your accessories! First, pick up the Ash Grey Booties, for 13 stardollars- still love these as much as when they first came out but still can't buy them (*Sad Face*)- and put them on your feet; gosh, do I need to tell you everything? :) Now pick up the Scarf (It is literally called that: another original product name from Stardoll x) ) for only 30 starcoins! Put that on, then buy the Stardoll Bag and hold it for only 50 starcoins! There, now, to go buy and put on the Speedracer Sun Glasses, head to Spectacular and pay only 50 starcoins! Now it's beauty time! First, you'll have to have a look at the Demi beauty look I chose: as her eyes are covered in the original pic by her gorgeous sunnies: here's a typical make-up look Demi usually wears:
Isn't it gorgeous? Now, lets have a look at my take on this gorgeous look, and find out how you can get it too!
The main forcus is the eyes. Here's everything you'll need for this beauty look (Sunglasses from above). And again, it won't let me put it here, so you can reference what I'm saying to the pics below :) Here's HOW to make this look and WHAT you'll need :) You'll first need to take a trip to DOT. Ok, first take the Black Liquid Liner, costing only 3 stardollars- line your eyes- bringing it slightly further out than normal to create a little box at the outside of your eyes- stopping just before it's cat-eyes. This will be covered up by the next step; grab the Black Eye Kohl for 6 stardollars- line your eyes again, heavily. Now, take the Black Eyeshadow (I think it's even called Shadow Eyeshadow [?!] but I can't see, the "YOU OWN IT" sign's covering it up x) You know which one I'm talking about.) and lightly colour around your eyes. To get it just right, actually put the end of the brush IN your doll's eye, which is amusing, and will actually work to lightly line the edges of the eye. Now, use the Lengthening Mascara, costing 2 stardollars followed by the Volumising Mascara, costing 3 stardollars to heavily colour your lashes. That's your eyes done! Now, take a trip to LUXE and pick up the LUXE Lipgloss, for a mighty 24 stardollars, and coat your lips. You can't really do this subtly, but there wasn't a good lippy colour in the starplaza at the moment.. If you have a good one already, use that instead. Please let me know if you have a good shade I could recommend :) And that's the make-up done!
But, as you may have noticed I've also got some nail polish up there! That's because, Demi's often seen sporting amazing black nails! I'm not sure if they're black in the original outfit pic of her, but if you want to completely finish of this look, here's how to get your nails perfect, and just like Demi's! Here's what your nails will look like afterwards:
Ok, all you need to do is make a trip to Polished, and go through to the very last pages- to their original collection for the basic colours. It's the second to last page. Pick up the Black one, for 11 stadollars, and colour your nails- feel free to use the Top Coat too, for only 6 stardollars. When styling your nails, keep them short for a short burst of colour. And that's it for the beauty look! All done: now you can be totally inspired by Demi in your fashion dress-up! Ooh, and you can obviously dress Demi Lovato up, too! If you'd like to have a go at styling Demi, click here. I hope they do an updated version, with new clothes and a new look, cos' she's changed! Also, take a look at the dress up I did of her below! It'll give you an idea of the clothes available, and even just what she looks like in this doll version. Take a look at it below:
I hope you like it: I do love those shoes... I think they're ELLE shoes, I recognise them :) Next, let's find out a bit more about Demi- just why she's such at inspiration.
From what I know, Demi was bullied when she was in school: her appearance was mainly the cause. She was a star from a young age, though, and even appeared on Barney! There she is, on the far left, with her Ex-Bezzie, Selena Gomez. Isn't she so cute? She was bullied for being 'fat', and developed eating disorders, and started to cut herself: this was left undiscovered, as she sent through Disney: Camp Rock, Camp Rock 2, Sonny With A Chance and two CDs: but one photo ruined it all, and her cuts were found- and there was an incident with one of her backing dancers, which she felt terrible about. She entered rehab for treatment, and it was there she was told she was Bipolar. She came out this year, and is now working on a third album: she's stopping cutting, and has tattos on her wrists, saying "Stay Strong", from what I know. What an inspiration, and her knew single, "Skyscraper" is beautiful, too. That's why I've chosen her as an inspirational celebrity: keep going, Demi!I hope you've liked this post, comments are very welcome!
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